Banished to Another World

Chapter 651: Words from a father to his rebellious son

Chapter 651: Words from a father to his rebellious son

The children in and out of the classroom didn\'t know they had escaped a great catastrophe.

Because of Yan Mo\'s intervention, the chaos stopped at the fastest speed, and discipline was restored to normal in the classroom and its inhabitants. However, when Wu Guo saw that Du-du was still at the bear\'s side, and he was angry that his father was not on his side - he was protecting his younger brother! With an angry heart he ran out of the classroom.

Yan Mo didn\'t call him back. Ding Ning, the secret guard, has already followed him.

Wu Guo wandered outside for an entire day. He didn\'t go to the market or go walk in the city. His face said without exaggeration that all the Jiu Yuan people know that he would be noticed as nothing except for the ignorant baby and left him alone.

He rowed his own small boat to a small island near the bank of Qingyuan Lake, where he vented off his anger until the mermaid soldiers came to take him back to the bank.

On the shore, his father Mo was waiting for him.

Yan Mo reached out to the eldest son.

Wu Guo looked at the sky and the earth, twists his head, he didn\'t push his father\'s finger, and he held it.

Yan Mo took his small hand in turn, knelt down and kissed the back of his hand, stood up again, and led him slowly forward.

The warm and soft feeling was still left on the back of the hand. Wu Guo\'s little face was a little red blushing. He wants to be angry, but can\'t get to that state of anger.

"Where is my brother?" After holding for a long time, Wu Guo finally said the held back sentence.

Yan Mo bowed his head and smiled in his eyes. “The cub of Agu-Da family like him, and Du-du also like the cub. He just went back to a sleepover with them for one night."

"Ah?! How can you let Du-du live in someone else\'s house! How can you... "

“Yuan Wang.” Yan Mo rarely called Wu Guo his given name. If he does, it usually means that he is really annoyed.

Wu Guo lowered his head and his small mouth looked like a frog’s.

Yan Mo suddenly chuckled and pinched the little meaty hand he was holding. "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I\'m right!" Wu Guo blurted out.

Well he didn\'t expect his Mo dad nodded, "Yes, your idea is right, your understanding and viewpoint seem like thehy are the right ones from your point of view, but you are wrong in how you decided to express your idea."

Wu Guo frowned. "I don\'t understand."

"I didn\'t understand it before too, so when I was growing up... No, I\'ve suffered a lot in this area until I mastered absolute power.”

Wu Guo looked up at his father Mo and felt that Yan Mo\'s expression at this time is quite subtle. It\'s a kind of expression of a repenting man with a bit of self-mockery.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Yan Mo looked down again at his four year old eldest son.

Wu Guo has a lot of knowledge in many aspects, but he is more "pure and flawless" than a real child in life experience, but not in how to get along with other aspects of life.

Wu Guo is not an ordinary smart human. He just thought about it and understood his father\'s meaning. "You mean as long as you master the powerful power, it doesn\'t matter if you make a mistake?"

Yan Mo laughed, picked up his eldest son and kissed him on the face, "I would like to say that you are wrong, but your answer hit the essence of what I want to talk about. I don\'t know if as a father it was right to teach you this way, but I still want to tell you the importance of power and strength. When you have absolute power and strength, even if you do something wrong or say something wrong, others will dare not criticize you, and some will even flatter you. To keep things simple, someone will help you make up for the worst action you do. Of course, if you make too many mistakes, it will probably cause a lot of public anger, and then you will be miserable."

Wu Guo said, "You mean that even if I reach a height like you and Da Zhan, I can only do something wrong and say something wrong once in a while?"

Yan Mo shrugged, "Immortals make mistakes too, not to mention people who are manipulated by emotions. But you and I are trying to make no mistakes, at least not in front of others. "

"Don\'t you get angry at something?"

"Yes, but the trick lies in how to express. My father and I can\'t express a lot of emotions and opinions directly because of our current status." Yan Mo looked into his eldest son\'s eyes and said slowly, "So do you."

Wu Guo was upset. "I don\'t like this!"

Yan Mo pulled the corner of his mouth. "At this point, your brother is smarter than you."

"How so?" Wu Guo was not convinced. How could he be less smart than a soft little one?

"Well, I ask you, do you know who Du-du hates? Who he doesn\'t like?" Yan Mo said patiently.

Wu Guo thought hard and found after thinking for a long time: "No."

"No, he has people he hates." Yan Mo said very definitely.

"Who is it? Did the man bully Du-du? I\'m going to catch him and chop him up to meat sauce!” Wu Guo\'s anger flared up again.

Yan Mo raised his hand and gave him a pinkie poke.

Wu Guo covered his red forehead and stared at him angrily.

"You don\'t have to help him out, he has solved it himself, and even when the man has been turned into meat sauce, he doesn\'t know who the real responsible person is. He suspects a lot, but I\'m afraid that not in his wildest guess can he suspect Du-du."

Wu Guo was full of suspicion.

Yan Mo held him in a stone chair beside the lake and told him the story.

“There is a man, let\'s call him Bei Tou. He hates another man very much that person is called Hu Tou. But Bei Tou could not beat Hu Tou, and he was not as tall as Hu Tou. Every day, he dreamed that he would lose his reputation and be miserable, so he was waiting for opportunities. One day, when the opportunity came, Hu Tou brought his hometown\'s people and people he knew into the Jiu Yuan. But Hu Tou didn\'t know that one of them was one of the royal bloodline of Tucheng-Earth City. That person\'s name was Tu Tou. His grandfather and the Lord of Tucheng-Earth City were brothers. When Tu Tou came to the Jiu Yuan, he concealed his real identity, lived like any ordinary person, and sent his children to the Zhan Mo College, he also signed up to join the Jiu Yuan patrol. "

Wu Guo sat on his father Mo\'s lap and presses his stomach. He wandered around all day without eating anything so he was a bit famish.

Yan Mo looked at the awkward little thing, he felt distressed and amused. He immediately took out the hot meat cake and warm water from the space and served the little thing to eat and drink.

Wu Guo bit the meat pie and listened to his father continue to tell him the story.

"I don\'t know how Bei Tou found out about the true details about Tu Tou. He felt that his chance has finally arrived. So before long, from the Zhan Mo College, the identity of Tu Tou was revealed. There was a rumor that Tu Tou the one from Tucheng-Earth City sent his children to college to steal school, and he himself wanted to join the Jiu Yuan army to destroy it from the inside, so as to avenge the fall of the Tucheng-Earth City royal family. Soon, Tu Tou’s child was isolated by the students. Many students were affected by this rumor. They not only isolated the child, but also bullied him. The child asked the teacher for help. But the teacher also doubted the purpose of Tu Tou coming to the Jiu Yuan, and reported the story of this child and his father\'s Tu Tou to your uncle Yuan Bing with the idea that he would kill them by mistake."

"What did Uncle Bing do?" Wu Guo asked after drinking water with his father\'s hand.

Yan Mo wiped the oil on his mouth. "Uncle Bing hadn\'t dealt with it yet. He was going to find someone to follow the Tu Tou and spy on him. But he hadn\'t done anything yet. Rumors about Tu Tou burst out. At the same time, Bei Tou reported to your aunt Sha Lang that Tu Tou poisoned the water in the city. While looking for people to check the water, Sha Lang questioned Tu Tou. Meanwhile, Tu Tou also heard that his child was isolated and bullied. From the mouths of some "Good Samaritans", he knew that someone knew of his identity and wanted to expose him. Tu Tou was afraid, so he and his family wanted to escape from the Jiu Yuan."

Wu Guo frowned. "He shouldn\'t have escaped."

"Yes, but most people are afraid of this kind of thing. It\'s instinct to run away."

"Did he escape?"

"He escaped with the help of some good Samaritans, because someone didn\'t want the Tu Tou caught."

"What about Bei Tou?"

"Yes. What do you think Bei Tou did?"

Wu-Guo thought while holding a bamboo tube full of water, “The real person that the Jiu should want deal with is Hu Tou, because Tu Tou was brought in by Hu Tou. Now Tu Tou the ‘Jeopardy,’ of Jiu Yuan had escaped... I got it! Bei Tou wanted accuse Hu Tou as a traitor."

"Yes. Do you know what he did? "

Wu Guo said he\'s not good at human conspiracy.

Yan Mo smiled, touched his son\'s thick and soft earlobes, and told him: "His first step was to spread rumors that Hu Tou is one of the loyal supporters of the royal bloodline of Tucheng-Earth City and say that he entered the Jiu Yuan for revenge and even wanted to overthrow the Jiu Yuan. The evidence is that he brought a group of his clansmen and Tu Tou family.”

“Second step, he incited many people in the Jiu Yuan who didn\'t know the truth and forced the Hu Tou family to hand over the Tu Tou family to the Jiu Yuan.”

“Step three: after Hu Tou defended the Tu Tou family and repeatedly explained that he and his clansmen really wanted to join the Jiu Yuan, Bei Tou poured more dirty words on him, saying that he defended the enemies of the Jiu Yuan, that is, the Tucheng-Earth city are the enemies of the Jiu Yuan, saying that such Hu Tou is not worthy of being one of the Jiu Yuan people, incited on everyone to drive Hu tou and his family members out of the Jiu Yuan together. He also found out the Jiu Yuan people who had been at odds with Hu Tou in the past, and gave some specious examples to prove that Hu tou was disgusted with the Jiu Yuan."

"Why is this Bei Tou so bad? And how did the rest of the people believe in him?" Wu Guo was angry.

"Not everyone did, but many people don\'t know Hu Tou or don\'t like the Tucheng-Earth City royal family, some people likely to have fallen into the trap, even some people just think its fun to laugh at them and abuse or even attack Hu Tou together. They think they are doing this for the sake of the goodness of the Jiu Yuan, and it\'s natural for them to deal with the enemy as ferocious as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves. "

"What did Hu Tou do?"

Yan Mo asked him, "What would you do if you were a Hu Tou?"

Wu Guo blurted out: "Kill Bei Tou! Kill those bastards who bully me! And... "

"And then defect from the Jiu Yuan, right?"

Wu Guo didn\'t nod or shake his head, but said frankly: "if I was a Hu Tou, I would hate the Jiu Yuan and blame them if I met something that I couldn\'t explain clearly. The Tu Tou family must be the same. Even if they had a great liking for the Jiu Yuan, they would disappear. They would hate the Jiu Yuan deeply and become the enemy of the Jiu Yuan. It\'s too insidious! "

"Even if you think so, let alone Hu Tou and Tu Tou, they were in a very bad situation at that time, and there was almost no way for them to ask for help. However, this kind of thing was not worth reporting to the senior management. But Uncle Bing always thought something was not right. He was afraid that Hu Tou would do something irreparable on impulse, so he temporarily banned them and protected them. He wanted to protect them first and then investigate. "

"Not good!" Wu Guo thought this approach was too hurtful.

Yan Mo touched his soft hair. "You don\'t think what Bing did is okay. What would you do?"

Wu Guo said without hesitation: "Find out Bei Tou and beat him! Beat him hard until he\'s willing to tell the truth."

Yan Mo laughed. "First, you couldn\'t know that there\'s a dilemma behind this. Second, you said it was done by Bei Tou. Where is the evidence? "

"Hey? How do you know that he conspire it in the end?" Wu Guo finally responded.

Yan Mo answers, "It was your brother."

Wu Guo was shocked. "How did he know?"

Mo\'s father was helpless in his explanation. "Your brother once saw Bei Tou, and when he left, you brother told me quietly that he hated that man. Then Bing reported the Hu Tou issue. I took Du-du with me to find the Hu Tou and Du-du said there was nothing wrong with him. You know no one can lie in front of me. But when your brother saw Hu Tou, he said he was very sad and angry."

Wu Guo confused, "is this another one of Du-du’s abilities?"

"I can\'t say that, but Du-du suffered so much in his last life and lived in a sterile laboratory for a long time to the point that he was very sensitive to people\'s emotions when he was very young. Maybe he also brought this skill to this life, and with the life energy, he might be more sensitive."

"Wow!" Compared with envy, Wu Guo was worried first, "Doesn\'t that mean Du-du is surrounded by all kinds of emotions every day? How can he smile every day? "

"He seldom cried in his last life, even when he was in great pain." Yan Mo\'s heart wrenched. Sometimes he couldn\'t figure out whether he loved Du-du more or felt guiltier for him. For this reason, he hopes that the two children in this life can grow up happily and well, and that they can quickly master the life energy to prevent themselves from being hurt. He really does not want to have any regrets for a long life.

Wu Guo and Du-du are both powerful, but they have just as many problems as any other kid.

He was even more worried about the strong looking older son than the weak looking one.

Wu Guo advocates strength first too much. Although he is the fruit of "evil" witchcraft, he always likes to go straight to fists. The way he wants to solve the problem is simple and rough, and the tone of speech he uses is not particularly liked. Even if his strength is powerful, Wu Guo will suffer a lot from his actions, and it is more likely to attract people who don\'t understand him to dislike him.

Yan Mo always go to the kindergarten class. He is more afraid of Wu Guo\'s irreparable mess than that of his little son being bullied. This kid is too destructive, and once it involves his younger brother and two of them. He can show you how crazy he is.

"After we got to know the truth about the grudge between Hu Tou and Bei Tou, we found the Tu Tou family, and then when we wanted to punish Bei Tou. Hu Tou said that he wanted to revenge himself and challenge Hu Tou. As a result, your brother gave Hu Tou an idea. He didn\'t directly say it to Hu Tou, but he just said a few words to me."

"What did he say?" Wu Guo died of curiosity.

"He said Dad, a lot of Mer-people are ill. What do you think they will do if they find out the person who poisoned the waterways?"

Wu Guo suddenly thought if he fell on the hands of the Mer-people. He would be kept in the water for a year as an adult fish? He has seen how the Mer-people punish the thieves who want to steal the little Mer-boys before. Those people misery cannot be described with a word.

Seeing the frightened little expression on the eldest son\'s face, Yan Mo said, “The water flow into the Jiu Yuan is all living water[1] constantly moving, and the poison used by Bei Tou was not too severe. In fact, not many Mer-people were affected that day, but the Mer-people most hated that someone made plots and conspiracy and tried to use the water. Knowing that the water source was poisoned, they threatened to make the poisoner feel good. Later, in accordance with the rule of "Blood for blood" used by the Jiu Yuan, Hu Tou could have not fought Bei Tou and just let him compensate, then he would be flogged and be driven out of the Jiu Yuan, but he chose to challenge him, beat him violently, broke his limbs, and told the Mer-people about Bei Tou poisoning the water. "

"Wow!" Wu Guo immediately realized the level of Bei Tou hatred. Such a harsh punishment for a person like Bei Tou. It\'s too simple for him to make compensation and be driven out the Jiu Yuan.

“There are many honest, good and upright people in the world, but there are many people like Bei Tou. They hide in the dark and will attack you at any time. Even if you want to revenge, you may not find them. Wu Guo, what you are going to face in the future is a hundred thousand or even more difficult than this. Some people are worse than Bei Tou and more insidious, cunning and vicious. What would you do then?"

"There are people who are worse and more insidious than him?" Wu Guo huffed in anger.

But his Mo dad nodded and touched his head, “This is just one thing. Besides, do you know why Bei Tou hates Hu Tou so much? "

Without waiting for his son\'s answer, Yan Mo said directly, "It was because Bei Tou can\'t see that it was wrong when he pushed an old woman, and when Hu Tou called him out for it, and beat him for his bad actions. Bei Tou felt that he had lost his face, so he hated Hu Tou deeply for this. But if we change it way we deal with things, we can avoid this kind of thing. Of course, some people are mad dogs. No matter what you do, as long as they feel that you have shamed them, even if you look at them without a second thought, they will feel that you have humiliated them and they even want to revenge on you. If you want to get ahead in dealing with such a person and not be hurt by the other party, you must arm yourself, not just by strength."

Wu Guo looked down and played with his father\'s belt pendant.

"Yuan Wang, my baby, do you know why I tell you this much?" Yan Mo nodded his nose.

"Yes." Yuan Wang is not stupid.

“Then tell me why?" Yan Mo would not let him go with an hmm. Yuan Zhan intended to let Wu Guo take over the Jiu Yuan, which is what other senior managers also want. If Wu Guo just wants to be like A-Zhan, he must learn how to protect himself in advance if he is to be the boss. Anger, fighting and attacking others are obviously not the best way to protect himself.

Yuan Wang doesn\'t want to say that he doesn\'t want to learn those tricks at all.

"Baby, I suddenly think your personality belongs to those with uprightness attitude." Father Mo has no choice but to egg his son.

"Don\'t call me baby!" Yuan Wang covered his ears.

Yan Mo grabbed his hand and said, "Well, my little darling, I won\'t ask you to smile like your brother when you meet people, but I hope you can control your anger as much as possible, let alone anger, hatred, jealousy and other negative emotions, these will only make others hate you, laugh at you, and even call you naive and stupid."

"Who dares to say that to me?! I will kil-... "

"Have you noticed that everyone is not afraid of you?"


"It\'s a good thing, and at the same time it\'s a bad thing. The good news is that it shows that you are more close to the people and have the chance to get more loyalty from more people. The bad news is that you don\'t cause a sense of awe in everyone\'s heart, and they can\'t be convinced of your lordship. If you keep on like this, it\'s easy to generate the ‘Why should such a rude and arrogant person without brain be our leader?’ sort of thing. "

Wu Guo held back his anger and puffed up his mouth again.

Yan Mo can\'t help but want to poke his little face when he looked at him like this.

Wu Guo took his father\'s finger and ground his teeth.

"Son, you\'re smart, really, but what you\'ve done so far doesn\'t make you look smart. Baby, if you can\'t control your emotions, you should make your emotions imperceptible to other. For example, put on a cold face every day. Don\'t let people see your emotions. If you have any decision, don\'t blurt it on the spot. Come back and talk with your father, your father, your brother and others. Then after that you decide how to do it. "

"What a troublesome thing." Wu Guo grumbles.

Yan Mo sighed, "Anyway, it\'s because I couldn\'t do these things before that Laozi is so grateful for what we all have now. I don\'t want you to suffer these unnecessary losses. Wu Guo, you are very powerful. You are the incarnation of the Fruit of Witchcraft, the Son of Life. This is just a small matter of putting on a mask. You can do it, right?"

Wu Guo suddenly made a big yawn and sprawled on his father and said, "I\'m sleepy. I\'m going to sleep with you tonight. You are not allowed to throw me out in the middle of the night!"

"Think again!" A big hand took the little Wu Guo out of his father Mo\'s arms and put him on his neck. "I had to come out to find you even if you don\'t want to go home yet. Let’s go home and go to bed. "

Just now Wu Guo, who also said that he wanted to go to bed, was in a good mood again. He held Yuan Zhan\'s head, and his two calves knocked on his father\'s chest. His black eyes wandered around. He begged patiently: "Father, let\'s go to pick up Du-du and go home. Shall we sleep together tonight?"

Yuan Zhan heard the eldest son\'s coquettish tone, so he smiled and reached out to Yan Mo.

Yan Mo stood up and chuckled, "Your son is learning and using his brain."

Yuan Zhan is speechless. "What did you teach him? This boy is bad enough. "

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing interesting."

“Shit! Speaking ill of me in front of my son. I think I owe you a lesson, don\'t you?"

"Yes, how are you going to teach me?"

"..." Father Yan Mo slapped yuan Zhan\'s father on the butt.

Wu Guo, who rode on his father\'s neck, laughed and looked up at the sky at the same time. The night sky with many stars is really beautiful. Although it\'s a bit troublesome to be a human, but... He likes it!

"Go, let\'s pick up your brother."

"Oh! Let’s go take my brother!” Wu Guo was happy, but he soon stretches his face into a cold face.

The great future... His Majesty of the Jiu Yuan decided that he would be a man who can\'t show his real emotions from tonight and on!

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